Tuesday November 10, 2009





Big Medicine is published by Team EMS Inc.


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Hal Newman  


Contact: ideas@tems.ca




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Hal Newman

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The views expressed here reflect the views of the authors alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views of any of their organizations. In particular, the views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of Big Medicine, nor any member of Team EMS Inc.

















Agricultural Research Council [Jan 26 06 Pretoria South Africa]--ARC's Vision is "To be an internationally recognized centre of excellence in agricultural science and innovation"; To promote the agricultural and related sectors through research, technology development and transfer in order to enhance the natural resource base and environment, sustain a competitive agricultural economy, provide new economic opportunities, ensure high quality and safe food, support an informed society and encourage the national growth and development of South Africa. www.arc.agric.za/

Colorado State University (CSU) Extension - Caring for Livestock Before Disaster (PDF) (2 pp, 42K)- Recommendations on steps to take to insure the safety and health of livestock before a disaster strikes.

Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) The CGIAR was created in 1971. Its mission is to contribute, through its research, to promoting sustainable agriculture for food security in developing countries. Membership of the Group has increased from eighteen to fifty-eight, the number of CGIAR centers has grown to sixteen, and their research interests have been diversified. http://www.cgiar.org

CSU Extension - Caring for Livestock After Disaster (PDF) (2 pp, 39K) - A list of steps to take after a disaster, such as locating escaped animals and tips on feeding and sheltering livestock.

CSU Extension - Caring for Livestock Before Disaster (PDF) (2 pp, 42K)- Recommendations on steps to take to insure the safety and health of livestock before a disaster strikes.

CSU Extension - Caring for Livestock During Disaster (PDF) (2 pp, 84K) - A guide to caring for livestock during multiple disaster situations and difficulties that are commonly experienced.

CSU Extension - Strategies to Minimize Nitrate Levels in Stressed Corn- A list of six strategies to minimize nitrate levels, and a link to an article on the feeding value of drought-damaged corn silage for beef cattle.

CSU Extension - Three Questions and Answers Related to Wildfires and Stress - Answers to questions on preparing your family for a disaster, what to tell your children about wildfire, and how to cope after evacuating your home.

Humanitarian Resource Institute - Zoonotic Disease Online Course [Mar 5 06]--One of the first actions a veterinary practitioner takes on suspicion of a natural or intentional outbreak of an important or exotic disease is timely reporting to proper authorities. Unless knowledge of what diseases are reportable, and to whom, is maintained before the event, valuable time will be wasted in "reinventing the wheel." Practitioners should also engage their human medical counterparts at the local level. Too often, medical providers at local hospitals and health departments plan for medical surveillance and response activities without considering the zoonotic and epizootic diseases that can impact those systems. Veterinarians who have become active in public health endeavors have been well received by their counterparts in human health care and have made important contributions to both animal and human epidemiology.

Iowa State University - 10 Suggested Strategies for Cow-Calf Management in Drought Conditions (PDF) (2 pp, 78K) - A list of ten strategies to help producers before and during a drought.

Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) - Preparing the Farm and Farm Animals for Disasters  - Tips on mitigation, evacuation, and sheltering of animals before a storm.

Mississippi State University (MSU) Extension - Maintaining Livestock Health After a Flood (PDF) (2 pp, 82K) - Information on dealing with disease control, feed and water, pastureland, sanitation, and insects after a flood.

MSU Extension - Emergency Treatment and Management of Horses Under Hurricane Conditions (PDF) (2 pp, 49K) - Information on containment, housing and feeding, animal identification, management of traumatic injuries, and medication doses for horses after a hurricane.

Montana State University - Sheep Management During Drought (PDF) (3 pp, 66K) - Information on feeds common to Montana and their cost per pound of protein, and rules for ewe feeding and feed compositions.

NDSU - Coping with Drought: Information for Dealing with Dry Weather: Livestock Production - Links to articles on the effects of drought on forages and grazing, general drought topics, economic concerns, feeds and feeding, and poisoning concerns.

North Carolina State University (NCSU) Cooperative Extension - Reconditioning Flood-Damaged Farm Equipment (PDF) (2 pp, 564K) - This guide will help you take the proper precautions to prevent damage to farm equipment and possible injury or illness to persons working with or around the equipment.

NCSU Cooperative Extension - Handling and Cleaning Up Damaged Pesticide Containers at Home (PDF) (2 pp, 562K) - Steps to follow if a recent flood resulted in water damage to pesticide containers.

NCSU Cooperative Extension - Controlling Damage in Pesticide Storage Facilities on the Farm (PDF) (2 pp, 578K) - Six steps on dealing with a pesticide storage facility after a flood.

NCSU Extension - Hurricane Preparations For Horse Farms - A list of several preparations that horse farm owners can enact prior to a storm.

Private Drinking Water Wells: What to Do After the Flood - Guidance for private drinking water well owners about what to do after a flood.

Regional Advisory Board for Agriculture Cooperation The Regional and Sustainable Development Department (RSDD) develops and monitors policies and guidelines for all the sectors and aspects of development that are important to ADB's work. It ensures that a high standard of quality and technical excellence is maintained across ADB. The department supports ADB's regional development functions and strengthens ADB's role in linking the region to global networks and partnerships. In addition, it monitors ADB's compliance with its own policies and guidelines. http://www.adb.org/RSDD/default.asp

Texas A&M University (TAMU) Extension - Farmstead Preparedness and Recovery - Steps to take to prepare for or recover from a disaster, such as creating an emergency plan and kit, taking an inventory, and checking utilities.

TAMU Extension - Protecting Farms and Ranches from Wildfires - Information on protecting farms before, during, and after a wildfire.

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) - Prepare Your Farm or Ranch Before Drought Strikes - Tips on water, land, and crop management to consider while creating a drought plan.

University of Florida (UFL) - Clean-up After a Fire on the Farm – Safety Concerns and Where to Go for Help (PDF) (2 pp, 393K) - General guidelines on taking care of contaminated water, building debris, and farm equipment/vehicles after a fire.

University of Minnesota (UMN) Extension - Impact of Flood and Rain on Crops - Links to information on managing flood-damaged hay bins, testing flooded soil, and flood-related safety hazards.

UWI Extension - Pesticide Storage Concerns During a Flood: Prevention and Emergency Response - A list of preventative measures to minimize potential pesticide exposure to floodwaters, and what to do in case of pesticide exposure to floodwaters.

University of Wisconsin (UWI)-Madison Extension - Standby Electric Generators: A Source of Emergency Power for Farmers - A guide to size, installation, operation, and maintenance of electric generators.

University of Wyoming - Managing Drifting Snow - Tips on using snow to replenish a water hole for livestock











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